Manage Risks from Adverse Weather
A woman stands on a rooftop patio under a red Travelers umbrella. She closes the umbrella.
Are you prepared for the worst of our weather? Severe winds, torrential rains, floods and snowfalls are on the increase.
Logo and text: TRAVELERS. Managing Risks from Adverse Weather. Animation: Rain falls from rainclouds with lightning.
Flooding is becoming a more widespread problem with more areas now affected with increasing frequency. Find out if you're at risk of flooding. Ensure employees are trained in flood evacuation measures. Sign up for flood alerts and invest in flood protection barriers.
Animation: Barriers in front of the doorway of a building.
Animation: a shelving unit with bottles and boxes on the higher shelves.
Plan to protect stock and equipment by keeping it off the floor or moving it if flooding is imminent.
Animation: a pipe with a crack in the side, spilling water onto the floor. A nearby thermostat reads zero degrees centigrade.
Freezing conditions can burst pipes. And heavy rainfalls can overwhelm gutters, downpipes and drains.
Animation: a tiled roof with leaves collecting in the gutters.
Accidents are also more likely in cold weather, so grit icy paths and traffic routes.
Animation: a woman throwing grit from a bucket onto a path in front of a building covered in snow.
A Service Report sticker on a heating system.
Service heating systems, insulate wherever possible and clear gutters.
A figure on a ladder clears a gutter.
A backup generator is a good investment as any severe weather event can take out local power.
A backup generator. The woman on the rooftop.
Gales can damage premises. The roof, windows and doors should be checked periodically and nearby trees monitored for health. To find out more, visit the web address below or speak to your broker.
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The information provided in this video is intended for use as a guideline and is not intended as, nor does it constitute, legal, technical or professional advice. Travelers does not warrant that adherence to any recommendations, best practices, or guidelines will result in a particular outcome. In no event will Travelers or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates be liable to anyone who has access to or uses the information provided in this video. Copyright 2016 Travelers Management Limited. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the US and other countries.
Are you prepared for the worst of our weather? Extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common. Find out if you are at risk of flooding, and other effects of extreme weather, and take necessary precautions. For more tips on controlling the risk from adverse weather, watch our video above.