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About Us

An established global insurance leader bringing positive local impact

We’ve been around for a while. And we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. For more than 165 years Travelers’ employees have been working to support individuals, businesses and large organisations with quality insurance products. We start by setting internal values of diversity and inclusion, gender equality, community involvement and high performance combined with investor accountability.

European-based operations offer our customers a wide range of coverage through Travelers Insurance Company Limited, Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd’s), Travelers Underwriting Agency Limited and Travelers Insurance Designated Activity Company. We’re known for our excellence in underwriting, risk management and claims handling. Travelers is also the only property casualty company in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Female and male colleagues discuss a work project.

Gender pay gap

Paying our employees equitably is the foundation of our merit-based culture. Our longstanding pay-for-performance philosophy differentiates awards based on individual and company performance, regardless of gender.

UK employers with more than 250 staff are required by the government to publish:

  • The difference between mean and median hourly rates and bonuses paid to their male and female employees
  • The proportion of male and female employees in each hourly pay quartile
  • The proportion of male and female employees receiving a bonus

Read our pay gap reports

Travelers volunteers help construct a new house.

Building the future with charity and social responsibility

At Travelers, we’re looking for ways to give back to communities and to the future to build a better tomorrow. Social responsibility and charity pair together in volunteer work, financial contributions, sustainable practices and staff support.

We encourage employees to be active and support causes they’re passionate about. And it shows, with more than 100,000 volunteer hours logged in a single year. Our T5 committees help keep the volunteer hours coming through, providing opportunities in everything from diversity and inclusion to employee wellbeing. There are plenty of ways for Travelers employees to champion important causes.

Travelers’ Diversity Network Summit leaders and attendees.

Recognised for diversity

Travelers was one of the first organisations to sign the Inclusive Behaviours Pledge. And, we're proud to be the first insurer awarded Clear Assured Gold Award status by The Clear Company, which audits organisations' diversity and inclusion practices. The award reflects Travelers’ inclusive approach to recruiting and retaining talent.

Explore careers at Travelers

Two investors discuss a portfolio while standing on a city balcony.

Investor relations

Travelers is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: TRV) and is one of 30 component companies comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The company generated revenues of approximately US$41 billion in 2023.

Read more about Travelers’ recent news and investor relations
Explore our annual financial reports

Travelers Insurance Company Limited

Board of directors

Anthony G. Coughlan, Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair
Andrew McKee, Independent Non-Executive Director
Gregory D. Somerville, Independent Non-Executive Director
Mary M. Woods, Non-Executive Director
Maria Olivo, Non-Executive Director
Matthew L. Wilson, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Peter R. McConnell, Executive Director

Travelers Syndicate Management Limited

Board of directors

Anthony G. Coughlan, Independent Non-Executive Director and Chair
Andrew McKee, Independent Non-Executive Director
Gregory D. Somerville, Independent Non-Executive Director
Mary M. Woods, Non-Executive Director
Maria Olivo, Non-Executive Director
Matthew L. Wilson, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Peter R. McConnell, Executive Director

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