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Hospitality and Leisure Insurance

Holiday traveller checks in at a hospitality front desk.

Innovative insurance and risk management for leisure and hospitality

In the dynamic landscape of the leisure industry, adapting to changing consumer expectations and addressing regulatory changes are crucial. Travelers’ solutions are specially tailored to provide leisure industry insurance for hotels, museums, galleries and tourist attractions. Hospitality and leisure activity providers can rest safe in the knowledge that our comprehensive coverage and risk management support are here in these demanding times.

Explore leisure subsectors


To compete in a dynamic industry, hotels must continually refine their services whilst managing risk. Whether simple or complex covers, we underwrite to meet specific needs.

Museums & galleries

Curators and custodians of cultural treasures know there’s more on the line than the integrity of collections. We offer covers for a variety of special exposures.

Visitor attractions

For attraction companies, seeing the delight of their visitors can be enhanced knowing cover is in place for the specific variety of incidents that can occur at a destination.

Leisure activities

As leisure businesses work to enhance customer loyalty, build revenue and offer the best experiences in their industry, we offer covers for the varied risks they may encounter.

Travelers advantage

In a dynamic world, things don’t always go to plan. We offer expertise you can count on to address diverse risks.

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Let’s work together to build the right cover for your client. Your local Travelers office is the best starting place for this. You can find them listed here.

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Related services

Businesses aren’t all alike. That’s why Travelers provides superior risk management services tailored to a company’s specific needs.

When claims happen, our best-in-class service helps to resolve them quickly and effectively, so clients can get back to business.

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