Cyber in Seconds

When it comes to the elements of cyber insurance, security and the kinds of threats out there, it can sometimes be difficult to explain exactly what's involved to clients. We've created a 'Cyber in seconds' series to try and help these conversations along.
Cyber: A ransomware story
What is ransomware and how might it get into your clients' systems? Watch our video to find out how ransomware infiltrates companies' systems, along with information from Travelers on how to keep it out.
Text in a speech box: Be cyber confident. Text: A RANSOMWARE STORY. Animation: A red square. Pieces fall out of it.
Back in 1989, in the digital Stone Age, there were floppy discs, little plastic squares, carrying a whopping 720 kilobytes of computing power.
The square becomes a floppy disk. The hole in the centre and tab at the bottom become a figure with eyes in the hole. A worm wraps around the disk in a spiral.
Unfortunately, some of them also carried ransomware. A vile digital virus that locks or encrypts files, hardware and data, demanding payment to unlock them.
As the digital universe quickly expanded onto the world wide web, ransomware came with it. Flash forward to 2005, ransomware is hitting its stride, shapeshifting and becoming a master of disguise. It can live on your computer as spyware or as antivirus software disguised to stop, well, ransomware. It even impersonates online law enforcement and health care entities.
The worm wraps around a globe, with eyes that blink in its head.
By 2017, ransomware went global, attacking large corporations and governments. But with floppy discs long gone, how does ransomware get in now?
A door opens.
Through bogus online adverts, infected websites, emails and human error. Once in, ransomware stealthily moves computer-to-computer, system-to-system. But you can keep ransomware out by backing up data, reviewing safeguards and educating employees.
Not to mention using best practice controls and continuity and incident plans, which you should test regularly. And of course, if ransomware does worm its way into your system, having standalone cyber insurance can protect you. Be cyber confident. Visit our website and learn more about cyber insurance.
Logo and text: TRAVELERS. The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
The road ahead: Navigating cyber risks
As you navigate your way to business success, there may be cyber risks along the way. Travelers can help you navigate these risks to successfully meet your business goals.
Text in speech box: Be cyber confident. Text: NAVIGATING CYBER RISKS. Animation: A car goes around a windy road.
As you navigate your way to business success, there may be cyber risks.
A tree falls and the car with headlights on stops before it, then backs up and goes around it. Text: INDISCRIMINATE SCANNING, FREE TOOLS.
These risks can quickly become obstacles.
Phishing emails. Published vulnerabilities. A hole in the road. A truck paves over it and the car continues on.
A wrong turn can force you to take a longer, more difficult way to success.
Text: BACKDOORS DUE TO HUMAN ERROR. BUYING ACCESS INTO COMPROMISED NETWORKS. A train crosses the road and the car stops, then continues on after the train passes.
This can cost you crucial time and money, putting you at a disadvantage in the race to business success.
Travelers can help you navigate these risks to successfully meet your business goals.
Logo and text: TRAVELERS. Visit
The overlooked: Recognising cyber threats
Taking a gamble on inadequate Cyber insurance can lead to unexpected costs if an attack occurs. Find out how a standalone policy can protect against more threats and allow you to succeed.
Text in a speech box: Be cyber confident. Text: RECOGNISING CYBER THREATS. Animation: A game board with a maze-type path. A piece moves along the path from the Start square.
To succeed in the business game, you need to make smart moves, like protecting yourself from fire, property and other liabilities.
The piece jumps over icons of liabilities
And yet, when it comes to cyber risks, many people simply roll the dice, hoping for a little luck.
Dice roll onto the board as the piece moves around a corner on the path. Text: Cyber Coverage.
Cyber coverage can protect you from overlooked threats such as business interruption, bricking and associated costs, even some costs related to third party losses you might be responsible for.
The piece jumps over squares with the text, business interruption, bricking, and third party loss.
Cyber insurance can cover income loss caused by reputational impact, as well as costs related to future mitigation.
The piece climbs a ladder before the text, reputational impact, and lands on the text, betterment, then goes down the ladder and arrives at the Finish square.
Cyber coverage is how you win in business.
Logo and text: TRAVELERS. Visit
Balancing act: The cyber protection you need
Why do you need cyber insurance? Business success can be a balancing act, and standalone cyber can be the safety net you need.
Text in a speech box: Be cyber confident. Text: THE CYBER PROTECTION YOU NEED. Animation: In white silhouette against a red background, a woman walks on a tightrope.
Business success can be a balancing act between having the latest cyber tools and protecting yourself against cyber risks. Cyber protection can be the safety net you need.
Text: WHY DO YOU NEED CYBER INSURANCE? A net covers the screen. Text: Access to experts, Standalone cyber coverage, Dedicated, vetted team of breach professionals, Forensic investigation services, Media relations, Network restoration, Crisis comms, Promise to pay claims.
This way, a cyber misstep won't be a business fail. You can quickly bounce back to a high level of performance.
The figure walks off screen on the tightrope. Logo and text: TRAVELERS. Visit
A winning strategy: Using a breach coach
In business, like in football, a good coach can be the key to victory. This is especially true when it comes to your cyber breach strategy. Travelers offers breach coaching that can make all the difference. From investigation to assessment to disclosure, our breach coaches can guide you to capable strategies, and vendors that will keep your business in the game.
Text in a speech box: Be cyber confident. Text: USING A BREACH COACH. Animation: A football field with X's and O's, and arrows that move among them to a goal.
In business like in football, a good coach can be the key to victory. This is especially true when it comes to your cyber breach strategy. Travelers offers breach coaching that can make all the difference, from investigation to assessment to disclosure. Our breach coach can guide you to capable strategies and vendors that will keep your business in the game.