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Cyber in Seconds

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By Travelers
6 minutes
Last updated March 1, 2022
Internet Cyber Security

When it comes to the elements of cyber insurance, security and the kinds of threats out there, it can sometimes be difficult to explain exactly what's involved to clients. We've created a 'Cyber in seconds' series to try and help these conversations along.

Cyber: A ransomware story

What is ransomware and how might it get into your clients' systems? Watch our video to find out how ransomware infiltrates companies' systems, along with information from Travelers on how to keep it out.

The road ahead: Navigating cyber risks

As you navigate your way to business success, there may be cyber risks along the way. Travelers can help you navigate these risks to successfully meet your business goals.

The overlooked: Recognising cyber threats

Taking a gamble on inadequate Cyber insurance can lead to unexpected costs if an attack occurs. Find out how a standalone policy can protect against more threats and allow you to succeed.

Balancing act: The cyber protection you need

Why do you need cyber insurance? Business success can be a balancing act, and standalone cyber can be the safety net you need.

A winning strategy: Using a breach coach

In business, like in football, a good coach can be the key to victory. This is especially true when it comes to your cyber breach strategy. Travelers offers breach coaching that can make all the difference. From investigation to assessment to disclosure, our breach coaches can guide you to capable strategies, and vendors that will keep your business in the game.


Cyber insurance with Travelers

Travelers can help with cyber insurance solutions for your business.

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More insights & expertise

Enhancing Cyber Risk Solutions Globally

Learn about cyber risk management and solutions on a global scale in this interview with Travelers Europe’s Head of Cyber, Matt Waller.

Interviewer sitting with Matthew Waller.

More insights & expertise

Travelers Europe Earns 5-Star Rating for Cyber Insurance

Congratulations to our cyber team of underwriters and risk control experts as Insurance Business UK honours Travelers Europe as a ‘5 star’ cyber insurer.

Insurance Business UK: Proud winner of 5-Star Cyber 2025.

More insights & expertise

Thinking Beyond Insurance to Manage Evolving Cyber Risks

Travelers prepares to bring new cyber services to the UK and Ireland market following its acquisition of Corvus.

Matt Waller, formerly of Corvus and now head of the combined cyber underwriting team at Travelers Europe, and Chris McMurray, managing director for cyber at Travelers Europe