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SME Marine Cargo

Easing the way for SME cargo

At Travelers, we believe that small to medium-sized (SME) cargo companies deserve the same expertise and flexibility that larger enterprises enjoy. And we know that SMEs need efficient processes to keep their businesses moving forward. That’s why we’ve created a streamlined, flexible SME marine cargo solution that is based on our established and respected cargo insurance – and is available to eTrade.

Our cargo insurance for SMEs is tailored to a broad range of exposures, concentrating risks into one easy-to-manage policy. We’ve also simplified our quotation process, with fewer questions to answer. And the ability to quote and bind with eTrade means less paperwork and instant processing.

Policies can be made to measure, tailored to suit specific needs. And cover is completely scalable, so businesses can stay with Travelers as they (or their needs) grow. Because our focus is helping to ease the way for ambitious marine cargo businesses – and the broker partners who enable us to support them.

Our appetite

We cover

We cover

These fall within our appetite, and we’re happy to discuss details.

  • Importers
  • Exporters
  • Wholesalers
  • Retailers
  • Manufacturers
  • Organisations moving goods internationally that are not subject to a contract of sale, such as mobile medical facilities and sporting organisations
  • Stock throughputs

We'll consider

We’ll consider

We may need more information to confirm a fit.

  • Perfumes and cosmetic products
  • Motor vehicles
  • Commercially for sale, shipped containerised

We do not cover

We do not cover

Sorry, we’re currently unable to insure the following.

  • Antiques
  • Cash in transit
  • Containers
  • Fine art and specie, and other risks eligible to be written within our international marine policies
  • Household and personal effects
  • Mainstream motor vehicle manufacturers
  • Mobile phones and plasma screens
  • Portable buildings
  • Project cargo
  • Reefer pharmaceutical
  • Retail stock
  • SIM cards
  • Tobacco products

Travelers advantage

In a dynamic world, things don’t always go to plan. Travelers offers expertise you can count on to address diverse risks thanks to a detailed and bespoke underwriting process.

Advantage spotlight

You’ll be keen to know about the following.

Travelers’ SME marine cargo insurance provides high-quality transit cover for UK-domiciled businesses that ship goods, whether they operate domestically or internationally. This simple – but flexible – package is ideal for organisations with coverage needs between £1 million and £10 million. That includes importers, exporters, manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, sporting associations and teams, and the media and entertainment industries.

While SME marine cargo is conveniently available to eTrade, our SME insureds and their brokers can also rely on the assistance of our expert team of UK and international cargo underwriters, dedicated cargo claims handlers and specialised risk control services.

Our financial strength, exceptionally strong credit rating and support from the U.S. market enable us to consider greater risks than many other insurers. So UK cargo SMEs can operate as confidently as the largest multinationals that we insure.

SME marine cargo

We’re big on SME

We’ve brought our specialist mid-market expertise to the SME space. Delivering the same comprehensive cover and outstanding service you’ve come to expect from us, it’s designed to suit the needs of smaller businesses.

With both the capacity and the product suite to partner with SMEs for the long-term, we can offer support from humble beginnings to bigger things.

And because we’re all about insuring ambition, you’ll always be confident that the growth mindset of you and your clients will be fully matched by our own.

Explore our full range of SME business products

SME marine cargo covers & highlights

  • Covered items

    • For businesses that move goods for import, export, retail or wholesale, protects from loss or damage to a consignment during transit while being carried by land, sea or air
    • Worldwide imports and exports, domestic transits and stock throughputs
  • Cover details

    • All risks as per Institute Cargo Clauses (A)

      • Minimum cover of £1 million per any one conveyance
      • Maximum cover of £10 million
      • Covers loss of or damage to the insured cargo during international or domestic transit
    • General average and salvage charges

      • Payable in full in addition to policy limits
  • Cover details

    • War (not on land)

      • Up to policy limits
    • Strikes, riots and civil commotion

      • Up to policy limits
    • Terrorism

      • Up to policy limits or £100,000 for stock throughput risks
    • Stock, where incidental to the cargo risk

  • Additional features

      • Ability to issue locally admitted policies, as may be required
      • Well-designed, easy-to-understand wording based upon Institute Cargo Clauses
      • Cover tailored to each firm’s individual risk requirements

Add-ons & extensions

These items may be available to add on to your policy

Exhibition and demonstration risks

Minimum: £25,000*

Engineers’ tools, stock, equipment and sales samples

Minimum: £5,000*

*Higher limits are available subject to underwriting

Related products

With multinational, cargo, freight liability, and hull and yacht covers, we’ve got an extensive marine offering. Our team can provide customised cover that addresses clients’ marine and non-marine risks.

Travelers’ professional indemnity (PI) combined product offers a comprehensive and convenient insurance solution, covering PI, property, liability and cyber fundamentals, with an option to include legal expenses.

By streamlining essential office policies into one easy-to-manage package, Travelers helps you cut back on labour-intensive paperwork.

Let’s start the right conversation

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